Sunday, August 8, 2010

TOOL #11

It is truly amazing the possibilities our students have to learn with the use of technology, including the online world. As educators, we have the responsibility to teach and enforce the concept of Digital Citizenship with them. We need to assist them to improve their Learning and Academic Performance, while using any kind of technology, but we have also to make them aware of the Environment and Behavior in all digital settings. We need to teach and reinforce the concepts of Safety and Etiquette. We need to teach the children how use technology appropriately, and about how to protect themselves and their personal information.

In addition, we should explain that not all the information that appears in the web is always true. The World Wide Web can be a very dangerous place if the student does not understand how to navigate safely. Being a good digital citizen is recognizing when you are in a potentially unsafe cyber-situation too, and removing yourself from it or avoiding it in the first place.

I will explain and reinforce concepts of Digital Citizenship to my kindergarteners by modeling and teaching the appropriate ways to be safe and to protect themselves.I will introduce them little by little how to use each tool in an appropriate level for kindergarteners, which in turn might surprise more than one with their technological abilities at their young age.

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